Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is my first time seeking I even ready?

    For you to even click on this page means that you are looking for help. Let me clarify one thing…you don’t HAVE to be in a crisis to seek professional help. Of course some people are in urgent need for counsel and they should seek help immediately. However, there are some who really want to talk to a safe person who won’t judge, condemn, or criticize them. Someone who can see things objectively and help you feel heard and understood. Maybe you’re not used to being helped because you are always the helper? Well, it’s time now that you prioritize yourself. Your words, feelings, and experiences are significant. Your mental health matters so let’s do this already, shall we?

  • What is therapy like?

    Therapy is…

    Having someone listen to you and make you feel seen and heard.

    Having a safe space to share your hurt, burden, and pain…and to ask a lot of questions.

    Having a quiet moment to hear your own thoughts and reflections and process outloud with someone to gain further insight and understanding within yourself/situation.

    Having someone keep you accountable of your short term/long term goals.

    …and lots more!! You have to see for yourself..

  • How do I know if we're a good fit?

    I always explain to my clients that working with a therapist is like trying on a new pair of shoes. You have to wear them a few times to break into them. Same goes with therapy…you have to try out several sessions to see if we’re a good fit. If you don’t think we are a good match, I promise my feelings won’t be hurt. I can definitely give you referrals to another therapist and that will be absolutely OK!!

  • Will our sessions be confidential?

    All information discussed will be held strictly confidential according to the HIPAA standards. However, there are certain exceptions to confidentiality that are essential to your safety. Details of this will be written in your contract.

  • Do you take any insurance?

    I typically advise my clients to contact their insurance and find out if they cover out of network telehealth. If so, I fill out something called a superbill and have you send that to your insurance for reimbursement. If your sessions are not covered by insurance, you will have to pay out of pocket.

  • I have friends who I talk to already, isn't that enough?

    I am so glad that you have friends who you can confide in. But I also know that friends cannot be your “therapist” because they cannot see things objectively. Not only that but often times, dumping your problems on someone can be potentially unhealthy due to lack of boundaries in the relationship. It can end up hurting the friendship when the “therapist” friend starts to secretly feel very burnt out and overwhelmed. You want to protect and preserve a good friend, right?

  • Do you offer sliding scale?

    I have very limited spots for sliding scale but for special cases, I am willing to be flexible. I would never want to refuse a client counseling services just because they cannot afford it.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

-Maya Angelou

Get started with Rika, today.