What is Sex Addiction?
Sex addiction is a real battle that both men and women struggle with. You are most likely reading this because you or your loved one are wrestling with pornography, sex apps, frequent strip club visits, sex workers, and the list goes on. These compulsive behaviors are getting out of control and wrecking your relationships, marriage, career, and family life. This is something you absolutely cannot fight alone. You need a professional who will walk you thru this journey with the right tools, assessments, and intervention. If you’ve answered “yes” to 3 or more of the questions below, you need to seek help right away.
Do you find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts often?
Sex addicts will often feel like sex is taking full control of their lives. Looking for pornography or casual sex becomes more and more frequent to the point that things begin to spiral downward in their personal lives.
Do you find yourself hiding some of your sexual behaviors from others?
Sex addicts will begin to fabricate and make up stories about sexual encounters they had outside of their relationship. Many times they will say half truths or all lies to the point that their sexual activities are putting their loved ones health at risk.
Did you ever find yourself seeking help for sexual behaviors that you did NOT like?
Sex addicts believe they are worthless and “bad.” They are in deep shame and feel hopeless that their problems will never be fixed. They have sought help but felt like they have failed. It’s important to get the right help from a professional who is trained in sex addiction.
Has anyone ever been emotionally hurt because of your sexual behavior?
Sex addicts hurt those very people who are the closest to them such as a partner, spouse, children, siblings, and parents. Trust is compromised and relationships severed. Many times, couples therapy and family therapy is needed to bring deep level healing within the relationships.
Do you find yourself being controlled by sexual behavior?
Sex addicts often find that their life is becoming more and more unmanageable. Their reality becomes distorted and they find it hard to be focused and grounded.
Do you find yourself feeling depressed after you have a sexual encounter?
Sex addicts turn to their sexually compulsive behaviors to avoid dealing with their deep seated pain and hurt. They often feel worse after the sexual act which then feeds into the shame based cycle of beliefs that leads to an ongoing pattern of self destructive behaviors.
*If more than 3 of the above resonated with you, it is time now that you seek professional help. You cannot do this alone. With the right support and resources, you can get out of this heavy addiction that you’ve been wanting to end for a long time now.

What is FSLA?
(Female Sex Love Addiction)
CHARACTERISTICS OF SEX & LOVE ADDICTION (by “Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous”)
Lack of Boundaries
Without healthy boundaries in place, you become sexually involved and emotionally attached to people without really knowing them.
Controlled by Fear
You find yourself fearing abandonment and loneliness to the point of staying and returning to toxic and destructive relationships. You continue to hide your pain from others perpetuating more isolation and disconnection from friends, family, yourself, and even God.
Avoid Being Alone
You find yourself constantly in pursuit of a sexual/emotional relationship with others one after another, sometimes multiple partners for fear of being emotionally and sexually deprived.
Confused with Love
You have a hard time defining what love is. Love seems to come with being needy, physically/sexually attractive, feeling pity, and the need to rescue or be rescued by others.
Paralyzed by Loneliness
Being alone equals feeling empty and incomplete. You are constantly seeking for emotional and sexual contacts despite fearing intimacy and commitment.
Distorted Self Care
You use sex or emotional attachment to others as a way to nurture self care and support. You sexualize your stress, guilt, loneliness, anger, shame, fear, and envy.
You exert control and manipulation thru sexual and emotional involvement with others.
Out of Touch
You escape reality by having romantic, sexual obsessions, and/or fantasies.
Unmet needs
You find yourself seeking those who are emotionally unavailable. Little do you know this is a way of you avoiding responsibility for yourself thru unhealthy attachment.
Feeling Lost and Stuck
You stay enslaved to compulsive sexual activities, emotional dependency, and romantic flings.
You withdraw and “fast” from all intimacy to avoid feeling vulnerable and mistaking sexual and emotional anorexia for “recovery.”
Unrealistic Expecations
You are stuck in a cycle of idealizing others but then blaming them for not fulfilling your fantasies and expectations. You assign “magical qualities” to others.
If any of the above characteristics of sex and love addiction describe what you’re going thru, it’s ok. You are not alone. You’d be surprised how many women struggle with the very same thing. It’s time now that you break this cycle for yourself.
I have the tools and resources that you need to unstuck yourself from all of this.
Allow me to assist you in discovering these tools for yourself.
I see you, I hear you, I feel you.
Shall we begin?